Xia Fuxi - Project Portfolio Page


iGraduate is a command line application that acts as a centralised hub for NUS students majoring in Information Security to plan their academic journey. It is equipped features to help students make informed decisions about their academic plans.

Summary of Contributions

Code contributed

Link to my code contribution.

Enhancements implemented

Given below are details of my contributions to the project.

Implemented Ui class of iGraduate

The Ui class is responsible for all operations that interact with the user, including scanning user input and printing information to the screen.


Ui was challenging to implement as many methods in Ui depended on the implementations of other classes. I laid out skeleton methods of all the possible printing methods required for other features in Ui so that my teammates would be able to access or edit the methods they required easily.

Implemented Parser class of iGraduate together with Xin Ru

The Parser class takes in user input, determines the type of command, extracts the information required to execute the command and creates a Command object before handing control back to the main program for the execution of the command.


Coding the parser was challenging as all commands available in our program have a unique input format. We agreed on a two-tiered parsing system. Firstly, the user command and parameter is parsed. Secondly, flags would be extracted based on command name. I worked on the first parse while Xin Ru worked on the second.

Implemented HelpCommand class of iGraduate

The help command provides users with a quick reference guide regarding the proper usage of iGraduate.


Due to the large number of commands and features available in iGraduate, we decided to have separate help pages for each command. This methodology helps make the quick guide less cluttered and more targeted towards specific commands that users intend to look up.

Implemented test code for multiple methods

Unit testing and integration testing was important to our project as it helped us to verify the correctness of the program as well as help us identify bugs that we missed out on. We focused on testing for Parser and Command.


Unit and Integration testing for Parser and Command classes was priority as they deal with user input and were most prone to logic bugs. Unit tests were implemented with possible inputs that would break the program. Integration tests were introduced to ensure that the core functionality was working.

Contributions to documentation

User Guide

I added the segments for components I implemented to the UG. I also added the segment for Add command. I also helped to update the FAQ, design the logo and rephrase the introduction. Apart from that, I made many edits improve the phrasing of the guide to be more audience-centric and beginner-friendly.

Contributions to DG

My main contribution to DG is creating sequence diagrams. I also contributed to the standardisation of sequence diagrams. I also contributed explanations for the components implemented by me. Apart from that, I also added the details for ModuleList class, Command class and the Add command.

Contributions to team-based tasks

I edited the introduction and the content pages for UG and DG. I also reviewed my teammates’ code, in particular look out for the reasons for failed gradle builds. I also hunted for bugs by writing unit tests for Parser and Command. I also tagged issues found and assign issues to myself and teammates.

Reviews and PRs

I helped the team with repository maintenance, mostly about git (Pull Requests, Branches, Merge Conflicts etc). Here is a list of some non-trivial pull requests I helped to review and merge:

#44, #58, #77, #82, #92, #98, #132, #167, #223